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What is Guest posting/Blogging? How to improve SEO?

guest posting

What is Guest posting/ Blogging?

Guest posting means when you write an article or a blog on a particularly relevant topic which is unique and interesting for the reader, and you want to post on someone else website, that might not only benefit you but also for the reader on the websites and to showcase your talent to gain traffic and new readers on a broader platform for recognition of your work. However, the guest posting must be used sensibly according to the intent of the user to avoid Google Penalty.

Why is Guest posting is important?

Guest posting is a well-known method to increase the traffic of your website and to attract a new field of targeted audience to your website with a variety of content on various subjects.

Another important part of guest blogging is to gain backlinks to your website. The author can share their links on your website to build backlinks, which will help the author to increase the traffic to their site or towards their product.

Guest posting is good for SEO as it drives the traffic towards the site and to rank higher in search engine. Guest posting helps to build a relationship with your peers in the relevant industry and to establish a presence in the market.

The Guest posting helps you to increase the domain authority with the aid of external backlinks from the higher authority domains. The backlinks form a connection and act as a chain to improve the ranking.


Why should the websites encourage guest posting?

Guest posting is fruitful for both the blog publisher as well as the author. The best part about it is that the publisher wants to have the quality content to showcase the audience, which comes to the website to maintain the authority and increase the online traffic.

The author wants a good platform to present ad promote their work and brand. Guest posts shall accomplish the need of the author and the objective of the guest post publisher.

Here is the video on Guest posting

How to start the Guest posting?

The first step that should be done is to find the perfect audience for the content that you are writing for the guest post. For example, if you are writing the blog for an electronics retailer, then the retailer may want a post on an electronic device.

The main reason for writing a quality blog is to entice the audience to read more about what you are offering and how you are offering.

The most attractive way to is by writing something interesting and unique for the readers so that they come to you more and more for the exciting content.

The content which you are writing should be unique and have the quality to attract the audience to encourage then to read more.

The subject should be something interesting and which cannot be found so often by the user on the web.

Primarily we tent to guest posts for our partners as a part of our marketing strategy to develop a relationship with relevant companies and planning to make then partner in the future to grow business.

You can read on : What is Affiliate Marketing? A Simple Effective Guide for the Newcomer.

How does the Guest posting helps improve SEO?

The Backlinks play a very crucial role in improving SEO of your website. The more you contribute with the guest post to websites that have higher authority and get a backlink to your site, it will help you improve your site’s authority.

Backlinks are one of the main reasons for the ranking of the post in the search engine. It helps by building a chain with a higher domain authority website.

Placement of the backlinks is also very important in SEO. It should be placed relevant to the body of the article. Generally, the backlink is placed by the author to explain or complement the background of the context of the post or somewhat similar content.

The placement of the link in the body of the article because it creates a natural backlink for the reader to read, and it should support the post which you are posting. This helps the reader and makes it easier for the reader to find more similar content, and the reader is likely to click more.

The role of anchor text in SEO is it guides the search engine by providing clues regarding what is being offered on the page, which has a great impact on ranking the page in the Search engine.

You should consider that it is not about including your keyword multiple times in the link, Google may consider your link building efforts as manipulative, so you should be very careful about the link building.

Make sure that you are adding only the links which are relevant to the topic and adds value to the content of the post.

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